Moving back

So, I have moved back to a sleepy (no offense, but I’m retired) little town that I graduated from once upon a time. And guess what? Apple podcasts has stumbled onto a head scratcher in my small town news and here I am, listening to the mysterious story about a woman who died here, or maybe she didn’t… Crazy as it may seem, the CIA is mentioned, Scotland Yard, former Ranger and more. No one can even agree on what she actually looks like or who she was. It is 10 episodes and I’m only on #3 I think, so I’ll be back to hear, as Paul Harvey used to say, “The rest of the story” when they finish the podcast. Here is the link if you are interested.

Anyway, I’m writing Saving Oakley, revamping Jacob’s Girl, and trying to survive the fiery heat. Thanking the Good Lord that I have air conditioning. I cannot believe my forefathers/mothers lived without it. I have so much respect for the work they did in the heat.

Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter. Check out my Instagram, Facebook and I am trying to figure out how to make Twitter work for me again, since the cost has become prohibitive. Going to share some tidbits soon on WIPs.

Coming soon! Jacob’s Girl… (Look for a full cover reveal in the near future)

Published by Alyssa Bailey Books and Blogs

Hello! Thanks to readers like you, I am a USA Today/ International Best Selling author. I write luscious erotic romances where the heroine is her own woman but craves a strong alpha male to balance her and make her happy. I believe people love fictional romance where men are hot, gentle alpha lovers that take charge of their energetic women who are talented, capable and feisty. I am one of those readers. If you are too, you have come to the right place.

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