
This post is all about returning. I am in transition and have decided that returning to where I started is sometimes good but always different. The saying, you can never return home is true in sentiment if not reality. I will never return to the hard days in the beginning, but I want to re-connect to the things that used to work. Chatting with you all is one of those gems I have been graced with.

I have decided that returning to some of my roots in writing as well as reading is a good thing to do, and so my new journey begins, going forward and yet in a new way. I’m more knowledgeable than I was in the beginning of my writing days, and I am more cautious now than then, but it also means that I will be more efficient, right? Well, one can hope.

If you are seeing my books have no link on this page, I’m sorry. I’m working on that. I didn’t know it was a problem after an Amazon issue, but, TA-DA! It is. So please bear with me as I reconstruct and mend not only this site but me. My life has gone a little crazy but I am determined, with assistance from Sylvia and Joe, and all of your support, to make this work.

SO, I am returning to blogging and pushing Newsletters, sharing friends’ new releases and re-vamping both the covers and the books of earlier days. New and ongoing series include Guardians of Refuge, Red Eagle Ranch, Sage County, Safe and Secure, Lords and Little Ladies, Darling Duchesses, and more.

I have added Daddy Dom books with a new series starting in the new year. Plus, more Cowboys, Native Americans, Military men and women, and soirees into Victorian parlors. I’m going to share my writing journey and what is going on in my life as well as in the world as I know it, so stick around and walk the road with me.

It promises to be an adventure.

Published by Alyssa Bailey Books and Blogs

Hello! Thanks to readers like you, I am a USA Today/ International Best Selling author. I write luscious erotic romances where the heroine is her own woman but craves a strong alpha male to balance her and make her happy. I believe people love fictional romance where men are hot, gentle alpha lovers that take charge of their energetic women who are talented, capable and feisty. I am one of those readers. If you are too, you have come to the right place.

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Ailish Sinclair

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The Alchemist's Studio

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tonysbologna : Honest. Satirical. Observations

Funny Blogs With A Hint Of Personal Development

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